A listing of the tags which are used fairly often.
There is also an unhelpfully-long listing of literaly every tag.
- Advice (14)
- Age of air (12)
- Aikido (37)
- Albert Einstein (10)
- Aldous Huxley (16)
- Angie Flynn-McIver (10)
- Apogee (131)My collection of the best-of, must-read posts.
- Arizona (12)
- Arnold Bennett (10)
- Art du Déplacement (148)
- Arthur Schopenhauer (10)
- Artificial Intelligence (11)
- Art of Retreat (10)
- Art of Retreat Sparks (50)
- Astronomy (16)
- Being Professional (17)
- Benjamin Franklin (23)
- Bicycles (14)
- Books (128)
- Boston MA (12)
- Brain and Mind (23)
- Brett McKay (75)
- Brooklyn NY (16)
- Bruce Lee (10)
- Bruce W. Constantine (23)
- Bryan Ward (10)
- C.S. Lewis (10)
- California (10)
- Calm technology (21)
- Cal Newport (43)
- Canada (25)
- Carl Sagan (15)
- Changes and Results (21)How, exactly, did I get to where I am now? The “My Journey” series covers all sorts of things — this series is just about physical and health changes I’ve made.
- Chris Bailey (20)
- Colorado (39)
- Communication (14)
- Community (17)
- Conversation (80)
- Courage (23)
- Courchevel France (14)
- Creativity (85)
- Dan Edwardes (16)
- David Allen (12)
- David Cain (103)
- Did you see... (14)
- Discipline (12)
- Doug Muder (27)
- Dynomight (15)
- Economics (27)
- Efficacy (11)
- England (48)
- Entrepreneur (15)
- Epictetus (64)
- Experience and learning (25)
- Gail Tverberg (28)
- Getting less done (27)
- Getting Things Done (34)
- Goals (25)
- Great podcast episodes (33)Posts which refer to great podcast episodes I think are worth hearing.
- Groups of 3 (12)
- Happiness (15)
- Health (85)
- How to (13)
- Hugh MacLeod (35)
- Inspiration (51)
- Inspirational Quotes book (reviewed) (66)
- Inspirational Quotes book (selected) (16)
- Instaspam (581)I had the foresight to expect Instaspam to turn into just another lousy social media stream selling me to their advertisers. So I kept all my photography here as well.
- Intention (15)
- Intermittent Fasting (16)
- Internet Tech (120)
- Isaac Asimov (10)
- Jason Crawford (10)
- Jesse Danger (13)
- John Briffa (16)There are a few health-related blogs which I recommend very highly. A Good Look at Good Health is one of the better ones I’ve found. I’ve posted some excerpts here of his posts which I’ve found most interesting. http://drbriffa.com
- Journaling (36)
- Ken White (12)
- Knowledge systems (38)My thoughts on creating and using personal knowledge management systems.
- Kurt Vonnegut (15)
- Language (27)
- Lao Tzu (24)
- Leadership (19)
- Leo Babauta (91)
- Leo Tolstoy (29)
- Level 52 Countdown (46)
- Libraries (21)
- Life Balance (61)
- Listening (14)
- Literature (10)
- Little Box of Qutoes (12)A long long time ago I began collecting inspirational quotes and aphorisms which became my collection of quotes.
- London England (15)
- Long Now Foundation (17)
- Manhood and Honor (60)
- Marcus Aurelius (84)
- Maria Popova (56)
- Mark Manson (15)
- Mastery (18)
- Math (22)
- Meaning of life (46)
- Meditation (21)
- Memento Mori (31)
- Meta (49)Posts which are about how I create this blog. Technology, design choices, … mostly 'what' and 'how' posts.
- Michael Eades (25)There are a few health-related blogs which I recommend very highly. M. Eades’ Blog is one of the better ones I’ve found. I’ve a “round up” post which has all the really good science posts highlighted.
- Milestones (10)
- Mindfulness (34)
- Mindset (17)
- Morgan Housel (15)
- Motivation (119)
- Movement (20)
- Movers Mindset (224)The Movers Mindset project includes a podcast and has its own website.
- Music (23)
- My Journey (75)Usually, one only sees the highlights of a journey; The best photos, best stories, and best experiences are shown which paint the journey in its best light. Here, I’m trying to honestly show my journey by sharing my challenges, bumps, advances and failures.
- New York NY (48)
- Nostalgia (46)
- Nutrition (10)
- On Writing (78)
- Open + Curious (13)
- Optical phenomenon (12)
- Paris France (23)
- Parkour (169)Parkour, Art du Deplacement, Free Running
- Parkour & Art du Deplacement by V Thibault (38)A series of posts chronicling my studying this book containing 90 short sections; It’s a large, open-ended collection of ideas and vignettes on Parkour.
- Parkour Forum (11)
- Paul Graham (13)
- Perspective (139)
- Peter Adeney (13)
- Peter Attia (12)
- Peter Block (10)
- Photos of food (15)
- Plants (34)
- Play (14)
- Podcasting (97)For more information about my podcasting work, see https://craigconstantine.com/. For the Podcaster Community, see https://forum.podcaster.community/.
- Podtalk (147)
- Politics (18)
- Practicing reflection (69)A series of posts intended to help you develop the skill of personal, self-reflection. The first post is Practicing Reflection.
- Pretty (46)
- Process (10)
- Productivity (25)
- Programming (13)
- Proverbs (11)
- Psychology (10)
- Quadrupedal Movement (18)
- Quebec Canada (17)
- Questions (12)
- Quotes (1470)A long long time ago I began collecting inspirational quotes and aphorisms which became my collection of quotes.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson (13)
- Rands (10)
- Reading (30)
- Reason and Rationality (40)
- Reflection (20)
- Restorative practice (28)Health practices; as in recovery, stretching, mobility, etc.
- Richard Feynman (12)
- Rights and Law (17)
- Robert Greene (16)
- Rock Climbing (62)
- RSS (12)
- Running (12)
- Ryan Holiday (57)
- San Antonio TX (12)
- Scaf (35)
- Scaf 101 (13)This series explans how to build with pipe scaffolding (“scaf”) and pipe clamps. In the Parkour world, more and more people want to build things to train and play on. When I started building with scaf I had to do a lot of learning by trial and error. This is the series I wish I could have found on day one.
- Science (55)It works!
- Scott Alexander (18)
- Self-acceptance (38)
- Self-awareness (117)
- Self-improvement (187)
- Selfie (34)
- Seneca (57)
- Seth Godin (68)
- Shane Parrish (72)
- Show your work (13)
- Silence (17)
- Simplicity (13)
- Sleep (31)
- Slipbox (23)Posts related to my slipbox; how I use it, how I am creating it, etc. See also the tag for Knowledge Systems more generally.
- Snark (76)
- Social Networks (47)
- Society (229)
- Solitude (12)
- Stephan Guyenet (14)There are a few health-related blogs which I recommend very highly. Whole Health Source is one where you should, basically, read everything he has ever posted. But, a few of the posts are just so awesome — or are great “gateway to getting interested” posts — that I’ve posted some excerpts here. Whole Health Source
- Stephen Covey (19)
- Steve Kamb (16)
- Steven Pressfield (55)
- Steve Pavlina (18)
- Stoicism (50)
- Sysadmin (31)
- Systems (12)
- Technology (12)
- The Puffin (17)
- Thought and Philosophy (190)
- Time Management (24)
- Tim Ferriss (17)
- Tracy's Plants (38)Tracy is a superlative gardener. We don’t have a large yard, but she’s transformed most of it into a botanical garden. I keep finding these insanely good photos of flowers and plants that she takes… and does nothing with. So I’ve started posting the best-of-the-best in this series.
- Training (14)
- Travel (14)
- Trees (25)At some point I realized I take a lot of photos of trees...
- Viktor Frankl (13)
- Vincent Thibault (15)
- Virtue (11)
- Vision and Mission (12)
- Williamsburg Bridge (10)
- Williamsburg Bridge QM Challenge (12)2km quadapedie challenge across a bridge from Brooklyn into New York City.
- Will Smith (17)
- Wisdom (136)
- Work Ethic (38)
- Writing (76)
- Wu Hsin (11)
- Yearly touch phrases (10)
- 7 for Sunday (807)7 for Sunday is a weekly serving of 7 things for you to savor. — It’s an email containing my reflections on interesting things I find laying about, seasoned with some quotes from my collection. See https://7forsunday.com/.
- 35mm Slides (20)Selections from the 6,000 slides my father took starting in 1965.
- 100 Days of Training (2017) (104)I’m going to try to do 100 consecutive days of getting in a good training session- something. anything. With a public post to keep me honest and on track. (This is the 2017 version of this challenge.)
- 2004 Arizona (14)
- 2014 Colorado Rock Climbing (41)
- 2015 Canada (25)
- 2015 England (51)
- 2015 Quebec (22)
- 2016 Boston (13)
- 2016 England and France (55)
- 2016 Red River Gorge (10)
- 2017 Eclipse (14)
- 10000 Reps Project (36)Once I had an idea: What would happen if I tried to do 10,000 repetitions of 5 different body-weight activities in one year? Push-ups, pull-ups, squats, handstand (10k seconds in handstand), and bar-to-bar precision jumps. This series is the answer.
This is a page from my Guidebook.