But I still don’t see ads in my Instagram feed. Literally none. This might be because I don’t have a Facebook account, or might be because my Instagram account is flagged in some sort of hidden way because of my prominence from here at Daring Fireball, or might be a bug. This has been a years-long mystery to me (that I probably shouldn’t complain about).
~ John Gruber from, Instagram is turning into Facebook
I understand why Instagram is adopting Facebook features: They work. But for years I logged into Instagram and enjoyed it more than Facebook. I fear a day when I wake up, open my phone and can no longer tell the difference between the two.
~ Katherine Bindley from, https://www.wsj.com/articles/instagram-is-turning-into-facebook-and-thats-bad-1517422670
Reminder: On social media, YOU are the product being sold to the advertisers.
I recently deleted my Instaspam account entirely. I used to enjoy posting and viewing, but it’s just a useless stream now (like Bookface.)
Meanwhile, way back in the beginning, I had the foresight — knowing Instaspam would get eaten, monetized and rot into junk — I used a plugin on my site which kept all my photography: They are still locatable here, with one of my favorite tags: #Instaspam