Living the dream

Most of us are “living the dream”—living, that is, the dream we once had for ourselves. We might be married to the person we once dreamed of marrying, have the children and job we once dreamed of having, and own the car we once dreamed of buying. But thanks to hedonic adaptation, as soon as we find ourselves living the life of our dreams, we start taking that life for granted. Instead of spending our days enjoying our good fortune, we spend them forming and pursuing new, grander dreams for ourselves.

~ William B. Irvine


Don’t try so hard

If you talk to someone about “relaxing,” they will usually think of that as the opposite of “trying hard.” They think of lying on the couch, muscles relaxed, not doing anything. “Relaxing” is equated with “laziness” for a lot of people. So “trying hard” and “relaxing” are seen as two opposite things. What would it be like to try hard while relaxing?

~ Leo Babauta from, Effortless Effort: Relaxing While Trying Hard – Zen Habits Website


I’ve long known I have a bias to action. So trying hard used to always look like activity—often physically strenuous activity. Eventually I came to refer to that as my “bashing” mode. Imagine the Hulk working on anything; Bashing. But this leaves a trail of destruction more often than not. As I’ve worked to value recovery, rest, and relaxation—because, hey, why couldn’t one’s life be mostly peaceful relaxation?—I’ve gravitated towards “work” that can be done in a relaxed state. If any of this is news to you, as always, Babauta does a great job suggesting ways to get into it.


Chaos and disorder

During my recent road trip my finely-tuned pattern of sleep was annihilated. It’s one thing to have simplicity forced upon you; That has some benefits. But once my sleep was off the rails, everything fell apart. It wasn’t quite Escape-from-New-York-level chaos. It was close though. On one day, I wasted an hour, driving all the way to an entirely wrong address because, the night before I didn’t feel I had 2 minutes to spare to doublecheck.

I’m often viciously critical of myself if I’m still up even a few minutes beyond my desired go-to-bed time, or if I’m still in bed after my get-up time. None the less, for the 10 days of my trip, my sleep times were all over the map. On the one hand, I didn’t die and things got done. On the other hand, it was reminiscent of the old days before I got my sleep sorted out.

Sleep, (when, quantity, and quality,) and daily planning, (what am I doing, when and where,) are related. Back in the day, I cut the Gordian knot by setting a consistent sleep schedule. In a return to Primary School days, I gave myself clear and unchanging go-to-bed and get-up times. Then, arranged around those times I can schedule a specific “plan the day” session. (I’ve tried both “plan for tomorrow” just before bed, and “plan for today” fairly soon after getting up.) With improved sleep and some basic daily planning—which can be literally to simply sit on the beach all day—my life took a serious turn for the better.

But after my recent experience I’ve given this another prolonged bout of thinking and I’ve had a new [to me only, I’m sure] idea: Sleep and planning are not just related, they are circularly dependent on each other.

Here’s a sample pass around the circle: Today’s been busy, and I’ve some things I’d like to finish before sleeping. What time should I go to sleep? What time do I stand up and excuse myself from the current goings on? I need to know how much sleep I’d get if did that at different times. So what time do I have to get up tomorrow? I don’t know. What am I doing tomorrow? I need to spend some time planning for tomorrow, but that’s best done as part of my “alone time” as I’m winding down to sleep… And I cannot simply leave it to luck tomorrow morning. If I have to drive an hour, be some where at a certain time, a shower would be smart too…


The value of attentiveness

Run through the list of those you knew yourself. Those who worked in vain, who failed to do what they should have—what they should have remained fixed on and found satisfaction in. A key point to bear in mind: The value of attentiveness varies in proportion to its object. You’re better off not giving the small things more time than they deserve.

~ Marcus Aurelius


Content-encoding gzip, plus HTTP range requests, equals bad mojo

This is going to be long. You’ve been warned.

Act 1: Wherein our hero is oblivious to the trouble

Years ago, early in the life of my podcast, someone waved their phone at me and said, “sometimes the podcast playback jumps back to the beginning, and then I cannot skip or scrub forward to resume where I was.” I shrugged. What’s one problem report for Google Podcasts on Android, particularly since this was early days for Google’s Podcasts app.


Aside: “scrub” is audio lingo for manually sliding through audio. On apps, there is usually a small grab-here marker at the current play position. If you touch that and slide, the audio will scrub along until the time where you let go. (Versus “skip” buttons which jump forward or backward a set amount of time.)

I have a vague memory of some later time, where some automated analysis of our podcast feed reported that we “don’t support range requests.” I initially ignored this, but made a note. One day—months later—I looked up what an [HTTP] range request is, and verified that our web site does in fact support range requests.


A week ago, I got another problem report. From an Android user with the Google Podcast app. First off, it’s no longer early days for that app, so I’m less inclined to just “blame the app” when someone speaks up. Second, the callout was more thorough. This person had tried several different of our episodes, (all of which exhibited the problem,) and they had verified that some other podcasts they subscribe to did not exhibit this problem.

“Curioser and curioser,” said Alice.

Our podcast is self-hosted. We run a virtual instance of CentOS on BlueHost, with Apache and WordPress, with the Seriously Simple Podcasting (SSP) plugin producing our podcast RSS feed. Seriously, none of that is simple. But it does mean that we have a tremendous amount of control—if we want to look under the hood. (Stop here. Take 4 minutes to watch that if you’ve never seen Mike’s New Car.)

Act 2: Wherein our hero heads into the belly of the beast

I asked the person who waved their problem at me years ago, “hey, uh, do you still see that problem?” (Yes they do.) …and I reached out to James Cridland at and he verified that he too sees this behavior with my podcast files. …and he pointed out that he was seeing, (it’s not clear exactly what tool he used—but it doesn’t matter for this story,) content-type: gzip for the media file that we were serving.

Wait, wat.

Why am I serving a compressed (i.e., gzip’d) version of an MP3 file? That’s already a file containing compressed data; It probably increases in size when you gzip it. Not to mention the CPU cycles wasted gzip’ing the many-megabyte sized files for each reqeust.

Next the voice in the back of my head started pointing out that HTTP range requests—where the web client (in this story a podcast player app) can ask for a specific range of bytes from a resource—sure feels like the sort of thing that might be related to pulling down some of a file now, and then more of the file later after you’ve listened to it for half an hour. Maybe if we didn’t support range requests that would mess up skipping and scrubbing? But wait, no, I checked two years ago, (and I just rechecked,) that we support range requests. So what the heck?! Is the problem related to compression, to range requests, the combination, or something else?

Spock mode on. Start checking everything methodically. When you’ve eliminated all other possibilities, whatever remains, must be the case.

What if we don’t actually support range requests on our media files? So I started digging into how Seriously Simple Podcasting (SSP) handles the actual feeding out of files.

Aside: I know enough about Apache and PHP to know that just because Apache supports range requests on files (“here’s 100 bytes from that MP3 you asked for…”) doesn’t mean that a PHP program would necessarily be able to answer a range request. Spoiler: It’s very hard to support a range request programmatically in PHP. So I need to know what exactly—Apache or SSP, which is just a pile of PHP code—actually feeds the media file?

So I posted on the SSP support forum…

I’m trying to troubleshoot a problem reported with the Google Podcasts player on Android. (I’ve one reporting user and I cannot personally reproduce the problem.) In the process, I went down a rabbit hole looking into HTTP range requests.

I’m wondering: If the the SSP plugin is serving the MP3 audio files via PHP (which would require the PHP code to implement supporting range requests) or if, after a redirection from the stats-collection URL, it let’s my web server (Apache) just send out the static file (in which case Apache itself handles range requests.)

One of the devs responded:

Do you perhaps have a URL describing HTTP range requests and how they relate to serving files behind the PHP redirect, so that I can understand how it could be causing the problem? From the cursory review I’ve done, it would appear we should update the plugin to support range requests, would you agree?

Which startled me both because range requests are apparently more obscure than I was thinking they are, and that this was a very nice olive branch from a developer right out of the gate. Anyway. I was already really doubting that SSP was causing this problem, so I put on my big-boy detective pants and dug deeper.

Leading me to post:

…I think it’s not actually a problem [with SSP], but I wanted to double-check my analysis with someone familiar with the code.

For range requests, it’s RFC7233 — but before you even bother looking at that. I think the answer is that SSP doesn’t handle the serving of the audio file via PHP, but rather leaves that to the underlying web server. (In my case, that’s Apache, which handles range requests of static assets.)

Straight from my RSS feed, I have (for example) <enclosure url="" length="29493071" type="audio/mpeg"></enclosure> and if I fetch that URL, I get SSP doing a redirection. Here I’m asking Curl to get me a range of bytes:

Craigs-iMac:~ craig$ curl -I --range 500-600
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2019 14:55:48 GMT
Server: Apache
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0
Robots: none
X-Redirect-By: WordPress
Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=6576b49ab4d78ab7628bb05a727805dd; path=/
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

Aside: -I with curl says just give me the headers for a response for the requested resource. Not the actual resource. The 302 HTTP status, combined with the Location: header is standard web-speak for a web server saying, “please go get this resource instead.” Critically this is a 302 which is a “temporary” redirect, not a 301 which is a “permanent” redirect. With 302, if you want this resource again or more of it with another range request, you should ask for it again at the original URL. Versus with a 301, where you should not ask again, you should use the new location going forward with any subsequent requests. tl;dr: 302 + Location is what I expected to see.

…that curl request gives me a standard redirection. As expected(!) since SSP wants to track statistics. That new 302 location is a direct-link into the WP assets storage. When I curl that, making a range request again, it works perfectly. (Apache is happy to give me the 101 bytes I’m asking for.) Below is both the headers-only (-I in Curl) and a full fetch….

Craigs-iMac:~ craig$ curl -I --range 500-600
HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2019 14:58:33 GMT
Server: Apache
Last-Modified: Sun, 06 Oct 2019 14:51:01 GMT
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 101
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Content-Range: bytes 500-600/29493071
Content-Type: audio/mpeg
Craigs-iMac:~ craig$ curl --range 500-600 > ./foo
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   101  100   101    0     0    389      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--   388
Craigs-iMac:~ craig$ ls -alh ./foo
-rw-r--r--  1 craig  staff   101B Oct 11 10:58 ./foo

Aside: First a bunch of headers saying that I would receive [if I actually asked] 101 bytes of content-length, and then an actual request where I end up with 101 bytes in a file on my computer. tl;dr: everything as expected.

So I think the answer is that SSP doesn’t interfere with HTTP range requests. And that means the problem I’m trying to solve can’t be caused by my site not correctly answering range requests.

At this point, I folded my arms with one of those “hurumph” noises. Then I thought of something: Ya’ know, since it’s Apache that is going to feed me that MP3 file, it would totally be able to change its behavior based on what the web client, (aka, the podcast player app, Google Podcasts,) said it would accept as a response.

Aside: The Web is a conversation between web clients and web servers. Every request—and there can be hundreds of requests to show you one page—starts with the client asking for a resource and listing the types of responses it will accept. Think: am I wanting an image resource, an audio file, a blob of HTML, etc. Also, what types of encoding of those resources can the client understand. tl;dr: No more tl;dr’s here. We’re in the belly of the beast now.

So how do I tell curl to manipulate the encodings it should tell the server it would accept. Answer: By adding a header via the -H flag.

So reviewing: Here’s a normal ask for the headers for a specific media file. This isn’t a range request, this is just an ask for the headers for an entire resource:

Craigs-iMac:~ craig$  curl -I
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2019 13:09:27 GMT
Server: Apache
Last-Modified: Sun, 06 Oct 2019 14:51:01 GMT
ETag: "220031-1c2074f-5943f1052a358"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 29493071
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Content-Type: audio/mpeg

That’s exactly what I expect: If I actually asked for the resource, I’d get about 30 megabytes of content back.

And what would happen if I tell curl (note the -H argument on this one) to tell the server that I’d be happy with a gzip’d response:

Craigs-iMac:~ craig$ curl -H "Accept-Encoding: gzip" -I
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2019 13:11:03 GMT
Server: Apache
Last-Modified: Sun, 06 Oct 2019 14:51:01 GMT
ETag: "220031-1c2074f-5943f1052a358-gzip"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Content-Encoding: gzip
Content-Type: audio/mpeg

Oh shit. It would send me a gzip encoded version of my MP3 file. And critically, it doesn’t tell me how big that would be—no Content-length is given—because the server would have to actually compress it with gzip to see how big it would actually be.

Aside: If you know about Apache’s ability to serve out pre-compressed versions of files—so you have the .mp3 and the .mp3.gz files laying on disk ready to go—if you know about that, then you don’t need to read any of this article. I was tempted to set that up just to have Content-length and the gzip encoding header in the shot because you would have noticed. ;)

So IF the client . . . say for example, oh, I don’t know, the Google Podcasts app maybe? . . . happens to mention that it could accept a gzip’d response, then boy-howdy a gzip’d response our Apache would send.

…and that’s a problem why? Because it turns out that you cannot combine compression (any sort, not just gzip) content encoding with range requests. The long version is this Stack Overflow thread, Is it possible to send HTTP response using GZIP and byte ranges at the same time? The short answer is, no, because even if I wanted to waste my time compressing it just to give you 100 bytes out of the middle, it’s not possible for you to then uncompress those 100 bytes. All modern compression algorithms work on streams of data—you have to start decompressing from the first byte.

Aside: The next version of HTTP addresses this because it turns out that being able to have range requests on resources compressed in flight would be very useful.

Ok smart guy, what happens if you try to make a range request and accept compression?

Craigs-iMac:~ craig$ curl --range 500-600 -H "Accept-Encoding: gzip" -I
HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content
Date: Sat, 19 Oct 2019 01:58:16 GMT
Server: Apache
Last-Modified: Sun, 06 Oct 2019 14:51:01 GMT
ETag: "220031-1c2074f-5943f1052a358"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 101
Content-Range: bytes 500-600/29493071
Content-Type: audio/mpeg

Honestly? That’s not what I expected. I was expecting some sort of actual error from the server.

But nope, that’s a perfectly happy, 101 bytes—or it would be if hadn’t specified I just wanted the headers—out of the full 30 megabytes-or-so, and it wouldn’t be compressed. This confuses the hell out of me because it’s exactly what you’d want. The app asked for something we can’t do so we skip the compression part—the app said it would accept compression, not that it demands compression.

Oh, who cares. Compressing MP3 files—especially live on the fly each time they are served—is totally the wrong thing to be doing. Let’s just stop that and hope the problem goes away.

Aside: You thought the wizard behind the curtain always figures it out? I’ve got some bad news for you sunshine, Pink isn’t well, he stayed back at the hotel…

Act 3: Wherein our hero vanquishes the problem by typing four characters

Still in Spock mode, let’s describe the actual problem…

  1. There’s crazy-level complexity with compression and range requests
  2. It’s not clear what exactly the Google Podcast app is requesting—I don’t have any Android devices and I’d have to capture TCP data from the network to even find out
  3. So the app makes some sort of request…
  4. …and the server responds
  5. Making scrub and skip not work.

Oh, well that’s perfectly clear then, isn’t it?

Seriously, screw this. I’m just turning off compression of MIME type “audio/mpeg” files. (MP3 files are an example of MIME type “audio/mpeg”.)

Aside: Yes, I said MIME—the Multipart Internet Mail Extension specification is how we ended up classifying what something is on the web. Major type “audio”, minor type “mpeg”. I know, this stuff is bonkers… it’s just turtles all the way down.

Since Apache does not compress things by default, all I have to do is find where the “DEFLATE”—that’s really what it’s called, gzip is one way of “deflating” files—output filter is assigned to handle files of MIME type “audio/mpeg.” That’s actually easy to do if you are fluent in Apache.

I’m an Apache configuration file wizard. I’ve been using Apache since it was spun off from something else in—I had to look it up—1995. Trivia: It was “a patchy server” cobbled together from some open-source work done—never mind, go read it on Wikipedia. ANYWAY.

I read over the entire Apache configuration, it’s complicated in files that include other files with nesting and logic and lions and tigers and bears… but it’s all perfectly clear and straight-forward to me…

…and yet I can’t see why it would EVER decide to apply the DEFLATE output filter to an audio/mpeg file.

Strike one. Off with the kid gloves.

If I can’t figure out where it’s turned on and remove that, the next best thing to do is to just add a rule that turns if off. But when I went to do that, I found that whoever designed the system architecture had already stumbled upon this mess. (Compressing media files is wrong-headed.) They already had a rule, which confesses the sin of wacky configuration by saying, “yo! for these media files, knock it off with the DEFLATE output filter!”

SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI .(?:gif|jpg|png|ico|zip|gz|mp4|flv)$ no-gzip

As soon as I saw this, I was like, “you’re kidding me, right?” That says if the thing being requested ends with a period followed by any of those file extensions, then set an environment flag telling the DEFLATE module not to gzip.

…and “mp3” is not listed.

So I cursed like a sailor, threw my hands up in the air, and added “mp3|” to that string right after “mp4|”, restarted Apache, checked with James, and the problem is fixed.

omfg where’s my Tylenol?


The feeling that you’re always behind on work

For example, if I’ve slowed down, I might take a look at my todo list for today … and realize that it’s a complete fantasy. I’m not going to get all of that done. Let’s move one thing to tomorrow, one task to a “Later This Week” list, and one to “Later This Month” (or even, “Do Next Year”).

~ Leo Babauta from, The Feeling That You’re Always Behind on Work – Zen Habits Website


I also suggest setting up a shortcut for doing this: I use the Delete key to move as many items as possible to my special “Do Never” list.

The real mistake is saying “yes” to too many things. I had to learn to be honest enough to say “no.” Curiously, the “no” feels harder because I don’t want to disappoint people. I used to do anything to satisfy people and to get my little dose of approbation. In fact, saying “no” is far easier than saying “yes.” Every choice changes your future options. Each “no” closes off just one thing, but it preserves space in your life. Each “yes” invites in one thing, but by allocating that space in my life, I’ve closed off a huge number of other things that I might have chosen. “No” is the small, easy choice that gives me the most flexibility. “Yes” is the huge, life-altering committment that closes off an infinity of other options.


The body fat setpoint, Part II: Mechanisms of fat gain

(Part 6 of 12 in series, Stephan Guyenet's "Whole Health Source")

Body fat produces a hormone called leptin, which signals to the brain and other organs to decrease appetite, increase the metabolic rate and increase physical activity. More fat means more leptin, which then causes the extra fat to be burned. The little glitch is that some people become resistant to leptin, so that their brain doesn’t hear the fat tissue screaming that it’s already full. Leptin resistance nearly always accompanies obesity, because it’s a precondition of significant fat gain.

~ Stephan Guyenet from, The Body Fat Setpoint, Part II: Mechanisms of Fat Gain


This part of his series is short and non-technical. But his whole series is, probably, the greatest explanation of why one gets fat which I have ever read.


Take measure. Make waves.

The real damage is done by those millions who want to ‘survive.’ The honest men who just want to be left in peace. Those who don’t want their little lives disturbed by anything bigger than themselves. Those with no sides and no causes. Those who won’t take measure of their own strength, for fear of antagonizing their own weakness. Those who don’t like to make waves—or enemies. Those for whom freedom, honour, truth, and principles are only literature. Those who live small, mate small, die small. It’s the reductionist approach to life: if you keep it small, you’ll keep it under control. If you don’t make any noise, the bogeyman won’t find you. But it’s all an illusion, because they die too, those people who roll up their spirits into tiny little balls so as to be safe. Safe?! From what? Life is always on the edge of death; narrow streets lead to the same place as wide avenues, and a little candle burns itself out just like a flaming torch does. I choose my own way to burn.

~ unknown


Aside: This quote is often attributed to Sophie Scholl. But that is disputed.