First day at Red River Gorge. Mike picked me up at the airport and after a few provisioning stops… A short hike, hot and humid… but the grip on these rocks is awesome!
I had the foresight to expect Instaspam to turn into just another lousy social media stream selling me to their advertisers. So I kept all my photography here as well.
First day at Red River Gorge. Mike picked me up at the airport and after a few provisioning stops… A short hike, hot and humid… but the grip on these rocks is awesome!
The Puffin doubles as a leg rest when lounging awaiting a ride! Hello Kentucky! I am in you. #whereisthepuffin
Two pano’s squeezed out the window. Diff exposures, no filters. Some distortion from jet bumps and window etc. Looking south. On far right you can see the ‘wedge’ of the Earth’s shadow projected up onto the lower edge of the sky. On the left you can see the southern side of the sunrise. From this altitude, you clearly get the sense of how this color “show” rotates around that south point in the middle of the photo; Like a two panel beach ball, with these spectacular colors where the two hemispheres meet. Of course, the sky and sun aren’t moving… ;) Flying westward this show lasted so much longer than when you are standing still.
WOW! Westward flight left pre-dawn and I was treated to the most spectacular sunrise and Belt of Venus (wikipedia it!) I have even seen! These are two photos of diff exposures. No filters. I’ve never seen GREEN like this. More to come! Also: GOOD MORNING CHICAGO (just for a layover tho’)
holland tunnel!
11,000 people, 3 square miles, founded in 1759… This might be the first package from Serbia handled by the post office, and possibly the first pair of #skochypstiks in our little borough. :D
I believe that the human race will eventually live in peace. Today, I will be as nice as possible to everyone I encounter, and going forward, I will redouble my efforts to “be the change I want to see in this world.” Strength is important; It enables you to act. Choose the high road. Do the right thing. Reach down to help a fellow human up. Smile more. Choose love over conflict. Choose compassion over hatred.
Post pool party and cook out with family, little scaf play… “couples who scaf together, laf’ together!” Fall is my favorite season :D
Back home, stripped scaf down and building in the lawn. Rails balance, a waterfall and some random angles. Lazy parkour Saturday!
While I was wandering around Trinity Buoy Wharf (where the Chainstore parkour facility is located) I discovered this sign. A musical instrument designed to play, without interruption or repetition, for ONE THOUSAND YEARS ?! Yes, seriously. Check out
Last building… this one is simply neat looking :^P
Some random ‘building’? Sorry… not sure which one, but the entire city is lined with incredible architecture.
Palais Bourbon! …oh wait sorry, wrong bourbon :( This is instead, ‘simply’ a government building.
Looking across the Pont des Arts (the famous bridges where lovers lock padlocks and toss the keys into theSeine) towards the Institut de France. An astounding feat of snap-photography from a moving bus with a tiny phone camera!
View across the Pont d’Iéna (that’s a Cap-i ;) over the Seine. Paris bustles by night!
Arc de Triomphe. Great wikipedia article on it… history, tomb of the unknown soldier, etc
Delightfully cool open-top bus ride. Total tourist thing to do, but Paris sure is b-e-a-utiful by bight. Notre Dame and the Seine. Of course.
Our first leg is a car ride into Paris. We’ve a hotel room tonight so we are closer to the airport tomorrow morning. Stand-by (or sit if you wish) for photos from tonight’s open-top-bus tour of Paris. Bunch more fun videos from today too that I have to post from Tracy’s phone.
This one’s for Jesse (who’s currently on an expidition sharing Parkour in South Africa) who asked for more photos. This is a shot of the Seine near dawn as we were walking to Notre Dame (in Paris, in case that’s not obvious.)
‘cavalier’ leg-swing qm box-jump repeat repeat repeat *gasp* shady and not quite as hot, but eventually I had to lay down. Done for the day. All of tomorrow’s options apparently include ‘some running’. “Hello? US Embassy? …yes, I need asylum.” #stoopidLifeChoices #soakedInSweat #happyAsAclam