(Part 51 of 104 in series, 100 Days of Training (2017))
taking selfies of running is.
(Part 50 of 104 in series, 100 Days of Training (2017))
After a long drive, it was great to get out and move!
Be sure to swipe right and ZOOM. IN.
(Part 49 of 104 in series, 100 Days of Training (2017))
Meet my great pal Kona! (Also, his human Steve.) Time to pay up for yesterday. run run run run run
(Part 46 of 104 in series, 100 Days of Training (2017))
Just out for an easy walk. Welcome to Pennsylvania. Racer?
(Part 45 of 104 in series, 100 Days of Training (2017))
Too much on my mind today. What do I *not* want to do? …I really don’t want to stop in the middle of everything that’s going on, and go out to work out– So, right, burly QM session it is then.
(Part 44 of 104 in series, 100 Days of Training (2017))
Instead of our normal route, we ran up to the boulders and back down. A fun change of trail!
(Part 43 of 104 in series, 100 Days of Training (2017))
then spent the evening washing windows and playing at the… oh wait, that’s not public yet.
(Part 42 of 104 in series, 100 Days of Training (2017))
There are only so many hours in the day, right? If I didn’t constantly plan, I’d never get anywhere. Did a million things today, work on the computer, reading, daily stretching and sitting (hip ROM work as I do various things while sitting on the floor), and as the afternoon fades… yardwork must be done. Maybe some pushups later. Maybe.
Bonus, crazy awesome rainbow and sunset as i walked home from my workout!
(Part 41 of 104 in series, 100 Days of Training (2017))
Strange, there were two people here with string-paddles playing some strange game involving very little movement; and they only used their feet to move– they seemed very odd to me. So I went over on the side I don’t normally use, but I couldn’t stop staring at them.
(Part 40 of 104 in series, 100 Days of Training (2017))
push push push pant pant push push push 16,802 days young, still mowing
(Part 39 of 104 in series, 100 Days of Training (2017))
It’s way to dark to run run run run run run :P
(Part 38 of 104 in series, 100 Days of Training (2017))
Walked 4 miles. Forgot to take a picture. Here, have a totally non sequitor photo of me shoveling snow.
(Part 36 of 104 in series, 100 Days of Training (2017))
I was recently listening to a podcast with Jerzy Gregorek where he was talking about our internal ‘voices’. (the Fatalist, the Master, et al) He was describing how weight lifting had awaked his internal Master… it clicked for me this morning as I went out the door. “fitness” versus “training”. Solitude. Hard work well done. My internal Master — the master of me, not a master of others — has slowly awakened these past few years and knew what I should do this morning. 20 min trail run up here, work on this one route until my hands have had enough.
(Part 35 of 104 in series, 100 Days of Training (2017))
Here, take a shot of me, like, mid-laché… well, that went well.