Instagram to avoid burning myself. NY pizza YASSSSSSSS!
Went for a little hike last weekend with a group. Top-to-bottom: Bear Mountain bridge over the Hudson, View from the top, and a peak of NYC in the far distance. Stellar weather.
Co-pilot is ready… I need coffee. Jeep needs fuel… then, to PPK Philly!
(Part 2 of 12 in series, Williamsburg Bridge QM challenge)
I went for a 45 minute walk this morning! In QM. Went about 1,800 feet (~555 meters). No standing up, just resting in a squat. This is part of a challenge some friends and I will be trying next weekend (Saturday 22nd). We’re going to attempt to bear-crawl across the Williamsburg Bridge from Brooklyn to NYC. :) If anyone in the area wants to come out and lumber over the East River with us, it’ll be in the morning and we’ll make a Facebook event for it.
The other day I setup the wood crib by the side door, and lit the wood stove for the first time. Aaaaaaaany minute now . . . I will admit, that I do love that Pennsylvania has all four seasons duly represented — even when I have to shovel snow :)
EIGHT. DOLLARS. I found a place which sells these online for 8 (eight, EIGHT?!) dollars each. Sure, it took forever to get here, their box exploded and FedEx apparently had to re-box and re-label it. But EIGHT dollars? So, uh, bribe me if you want to buy clamps from this site before they figure out they have these priced wrong… *scurries off to play with clamps* (This is probably like that time when that well known Scotch-selling web site based in England finally figured out that it’s illegal to ship alcohol to Pennsylvania… after I ordered from them a bunch of times :P
Conversation and nature… doesn’t get much better. Wow, what a convenient place to drop an entire tree…
Put this together yesterday. Incredibly gorgeous morning to be moving… aka rapping my head on the bars first thing in the morning :P
In other news… actually went off-roading today. Pennsylvania shale and mud; smells like home :D
Three foot crawl space. Yeup, Craig is detail oriented and checks everywhere. First use of sideways monkey when it was literally the best form of locomotion :)
Had the first walk thru today…
Couple of shots from the Brooklyn ferry leaving Govenor’s Island last weekend during the Art of Retreat event #artofretreat2016
The waiter here delivered the most inconceivably amazing dessert descriptions in the history of culinary overindulgence. Pears, Tiramisu, Cheesecake… somewhere on the upper east side of Manhattan. yowza! (Coversation and company was *nearly* as good. ;)
It’s not an ending… it’s a new beginning.
Various photos of a few of the routes we worked on day three, in the Upper Gorge. This area is “trad[itional]” climbing. In many areas, hangers are bolted into the rock for clipping in safety gear. In this area, you have to bring your own hardware which you temporarily insert into the nooks and crannies of the rock.
Great bit of play at the end of day one.
Where’s the Puffin today? …en route to Govenor’s Island for first full day of Art of Retreat.
It’s hard to convey the sheer scale of the rock faces in Red River Gorge. These photos are from the walk into the Middle Gorge. About 20 minutes of steep hiking, and suddenly these ~200 feet tall rock faces appear overhead through the trees.
“Oceans destroy cities!” Also in the hallway, “Your butt looks good in that outfit.” Why thank you! :)