Sarah P Duke Gardens

Perspective and scale; Tiny moss or a hill covered in tall grass? Bald Cypress tree or the leg of an enormous dinosaur? Towering Red Oak tree or a single neuron? Moss on a rock or an Alpine mountain face with a distant forest? Spending the morning trying to exercise my visual perspectives.


Live bait

7′ pull-up bar, “water fall” bars, 7′ long clear railing, gap challenges, adjustable precision bars… my new live-bait trap for scaf-loving humans. There’s an LVPK women’s event tomorrow (Saturday)… so I’ll be investigating this beastie! Who’s in?


Cue repairs

Taking time to repair cue tips. The Schnelk in the case I’ve had for about 30 years now. Bought it back when this table was in my grandparents’ basement on Westminster street in Allentown. Would never have believed then, what this table looks like now, or where it would be today!



Ran into someone with a Tesla today… sweet ride back into NYC. Note that the car is driving itself in this shot. Entirely steering, braking, changes lanes when human uses the turn signal. Awesome.
