Instaspam is turning into Bookface

But I still don’t see ads in my Instagram feed. Literally none. This might be because I don’t have a Facebook account, or might be because my Instagram account is flagged in some sort of hidden way because of my prominence from here at Daring Fireball, or might be a bug. This has been a years-long mystery to me (that I probably shouldn’t complain about).

~ John Gruber from, Instagram is turning into Facebook


I understand why Instagram is adopting Facebook features: They work. But for years I logged into Instagram and enjoyed it more than Facebook. I fear a day when I wake up, open my phone and can no longer tell the difference between the two.

~ Katherine Bindley from, Instagram Is Turning Into Facebook, and That’s Bad

Reminder: On social media, YOU are the product being sold to the advertisers.

I recently deleted my Instaspam account entirely. I used to enjoy posting and viewing, but it’s just a useless stream now (like Bookface.)

Meanwhile, way back in the beginning, I had the foresight — knowing Instaspam would get eaten, monetized and rot into junk — I used a plugin on my site which kept all my photography: They are still locatable here, with one of my favorite tags: #Instaspam


Day 97/100 – ring a’ ding ding

(Part 100 of 104 in series, 100 Days of Training (2017))

Variation of the 15 minute drill, on rings. Do about 15 seconds of effort every minute, for 15 minutes. Variations: Strict pushups with both hands in the rings; knee pushups both hands in rings; strict pushups with ONE hand on floor; static plank (high and low versions) with both hands in the rings; “clocking” where you move your hands symetically as far from the neutral position; good old pushups to failure on the ground to finish.
