It’s hard to maintain the Everglades for the tourists when you’re up to your ass in alligators.
Curious about what I do? Here’s a glimpse.
(If you’ve understood any of that, you will be cursing the scum-of-the-earth people who spend time making up this malicious stuff. Awesome that! …let’s fix this sh*t and go get beers.)
Now, Imagine you were working on something when that little item was brought to your attention. “Hmmmm, I wonder if that’s as serious as it sounds . . . “
- You need to understand the threat; That’s rather difficult once you realize that the god-level security geeks haven’t fully figured it out yet.
- You have various systems that might be affected; You need to check them.
- If you’ve been attacked, is it safe to even check the systems? …ok, you’ve figured that out.
- Check them. All of them.
- Devise your defense, (or decide it doesn’t apply to you.)
- Now implement changes to fix, or prevent, future problems.
- Then wonder: Do my usual work practices and designs prevent this vulnerability? …should I change my practices or designs? …can I generalize this specific problem into a general sort of problem that I can defend against all future problems like this one?
- Great! Do that.
Then you can go back to being the mother hen roosting on her eggs.
I’m not complaining. This is simply a part of what I do. Just thought perhaps some of you, dear readers, might like a glimpse behind the curtain.