His friends, however, were aghast at his decision to leave the social network and argued strongly against the action. Their airtight case? Certain activities, such as finding out about parties, would become less convenient. The convenience principle is so ingrained in our culture that Daniel’s friends believed that their argument that something would become less convenient was unimpeachable. Daniel, for his part, ignored them. He missed a few invitations, but not many.
~ Cal Newport from, Distraction is a Symptom of a Deeper Problem: The Convenience Principle and the Destruction of American Productivity
I spent time writing about social networks for this post—but deleted it all because I’ve nothing nice to say. Instead I’ll smirk, and point at what someone else has written.
Great article though from Newport. As usual for his 2012 epoch, it’s specific to college students but contains deep wisdom for all.