Kinesthetic Literacy

Dr. Hans Selye called it the General Adaption Syndrome. You are going to try to adapt to the new situation that is presented to you. If you don’t, your body goes through first alarm, “How do I make this work?!” and then resistence.

You realize you’re not going to bridge that gap and you resist that fact. “It’s ok!”, “It’s ok that I’m in an unhappy marriage!”, “I’m gonna make it work!”, “It’s ok that I’m in a bad job!”, or “I’ve still got seven hours to drive to new york!”, or whatever it is…

That’s the resistence phase. Then your body goes into exhaustion. And I meet more and more of my clients, more and more people in the world, are facing this exhaustion. They’re showing up with what we would call diseases of the autonomic nervous system– that I think include lupus, arthritus, fibromyalgia… Very many of the autoimmune diseases are the body turning on itself because it has reached a stage of exhaustion because we cannot make the gap between how they’re supposed to be in the world and how they are in the world.

~ Tom Myers from, Are you Kinesthetically Literate? – Tom Myers #101


This is a wide-ranging podcast (you may want to skip over a bit of Daniel-specific Q-and-A up front) with the creator of the Anatomy Trains system of looking at anatomy as an integrated whole. They start on the basics and origin of Anatomony Trains but their dicussion travels VERY far afield discussing human domestication, parkour, birth, death and the future of our species. Two and a half hours well-spent in my book.



I always think back: We were in these small foraging groups of 30-to-50 people who were part of a larger tribe, who were part of a larger language group, and we were very connected to these people. We carved that 30-to-50 up, down to nuclear families, and we carved them up into neighborhoods, and now we’ve carved that up into even smaller units, and broken families, and now individuals, and everybody’s plugged into the internet with everybody, but they’re all alone.

~ Daniel Vitalis from, Eat Like A Centenarian: Culinary Genomics – Amanda Archibald #95


Daniel’s guest, Amanda Archibald, discusses what Centenarians (persons 100 years of age and beyond) eat. It’s a fun and wiiiiiiide ranging discussion about food, human civilization and society.


Erwan LeCorre

We need to empower human nature; to rewild it.

~ Erwan Le Corre from, Finding Purpose and Rites of Passage – Erwan Le Corre #56


In episode , “Finding Purpose and Rites of Passage,” Daniel interviews Erwan LeCorre, the founder of the increasingly popular MoveNat system. It’s a great interview as it gives Erwan sufficient time and space to expand on his ideas. Too many podcast interviews are just “plug pieces” for books, but this interview is completely different. Erwan and Daniel have an inspiring, long, and wandering (in a good way) discussion that will give you some insight into Erwan’s way of thinking.

…and I’ll mention tangentially, that if you read CinéParkour and Breaking the Jump thoroughly, there are also a precious few breadcrumbs to be found there too.



Human Violence

None of us are the products of ancestors who refused to defend themselves.

~ Rory Miller from, The Blueprint of Human Violence – Rory Miller #32


I’m not a big fan of the Rewild Yourself podcast, and the audio quality on this episode is particularly egregious. BUT…

This is episode with Rory Miller really dives into human violence in a way that separates fear (“I’m afraid, so I’ll be violent”) from violence as a tool. And make no mistake: Violence is a tool. Humans use tools.

