The forsaken art of pedagogy

In other words, you actually belong to a wider group: you are one of the increasingly commonplace factions of society that takes pride in not bothering to make yourself understood. You feel entitled to let others worry about what you really mean, and even revel in the tribalism of `being in the know’ rather than letting others into your secret world, as if playing the role of an ignorant tourist in a foreign country.

~ Mark Burgess from, The Forsaken Art of Pedagogy



Measuring our successes

It happens in homes, in our relationships and our jobs, in learning, and even in innovation (as ‘technical debt’): the sense of being trapped by circumstances.

Many have felt themselves in a situation of hopelessness, of not having time to claw their way out of survival mode, and get their head above water. Often conflicting interests stack up to trap you in indecision, and it’s when you are at your most vulnerable that others tend to attack rather than help.

~ Mark Burgess from, Poverty Traps



Deconstructing the CAP theorem

In computing, the so-called CAP theorem (1999-2002) has become both an icon and a bone of contention in the world of databases — a supposed truth about distributed systems. A lot has been written about it since it was formulated, especially around the recent debates on `SQL/noSQL’, but its many hearsay formulations are beset with a number of problems.

~ Mark Burgess from, Deconstructing the `CAP theorem’ for CM and DevOps


If you work with databases, reading this might be wise.
