
One final note: say the obvious. Sometimes we might feel that something is obviously good or obviously wrong, and so we don’t say it. Or sometimes we might have a doubt that we don’t express because the question might sound stupid. Say it—that’s okay. You might have to reword it a little bit to make the reader feel more comfortable, but don’t hold it back. Good feedback is transparent, even when it may be obvious.

~ Erin Casali from, Asynchronous Design Critique: Giving Feedback – A List Apart


If you are a human, and particularly if you ever interact with other humans, I think you’ll like this article by Casali. I’m a level-100 Technology Wizard with a sub-specialization in Explaining Things, and I found several insighs—e.g., “timing + attitude + form = respectful feedback”—that improved my integration of what I know about feedback.


Vulnerability and transparency

The Untapped Power of Vulnerability & Transparency in Content Strategy


Something I stumbled over the other day related to my recent efforts within the Movers Mindset project to find a focus vision and mission.

In the context of the linked article: What I’ve done with Movers Mindset has often been vulnerable and transparent. It hasn’t worked—”worked” being defined as, “made the project able to continue indefinitely while doing good things.” But it also definitely has not hindered my efforts.

I simply wanted to leave this here so that I can read it again at some future date.


Sub-cockle area

So we set out to find a new hack. What followed was a sordid tale of noscript tags and dynamically injected base tags, of document.write and evalof rendering all of our page’s markup in a head element, to break preparsing altogether.

For some of you, the preceding lines will require no explanation, and for that you have my sincerest condolences. For everyone else: know that it was the stuff of scary developer campfire stories (or, I guess, scary GIF-of-a-campfire stories). Messy, hard-to-maintain hacks all the way down, relying entirely on undocumented, unreliable browser quirks.

~ Mat Marquis from, Responsive Images – A List Apart


I don’t often laugh out lead reading geeky CSS techno-mumbo-jumbo. But when I do—and especially if it warms the cockles of my heart—you can be sure I’ll lovingly craft a blog post about it.

More seriously, if you’ve ever wondered how images are put into pages— What on Earth is wrong with you?! Why would you ever wonder about that?! Definitely do not click on that link above…


P.S.: The title is a Denis Leary reference.