This is daft… wacky… but possibly so brilliant, that I want to share it.
I’m seriously considering put all my friends and family into a ‘customer’ relationship management (CRM) system. Wait, don’t block me just yet…

You see, for many years now, we’ve been sending out Christmas and Holiday greetings to an increasingly large list of our friends and family. Large. List. Growing. It takes days of shopping and stamp obtaining and writing and sealing and then a special trip to the post office for the sub-set of cards that need to go by AirMail overseas…
…and as I do each card, I think, “oh!” And a bunch of stuff I want to share, say, ask, etc. for that person/family/whatever pops into my mind.
So all I really want—the reason I’m considering CRM’ing all these nice people—is a something that will suggest one of these contacts… well, I’m not going to say how many how often I’d need to do… at certain intervals. Then I would be able to write a note or an email or make a phone call…
Because the other option would be to convert the “holiday” cards into “yo wats up” cards and just make a stack and do them throughout the year. :)